SHEro - Girlguides Refresh
campaign design & illustration
Award-winning campaign concept for Girlguides to encourage girls 10-13 to join through a fun event, trying to remove the old fashioned or boring stigma and showing young guides their ability to become super SHEros.
My concept was to create an event where girls can learn about a range of life skills they will use in current and future life through activities they don't get to experience everyday or might be too embarrassed to try. 
The SHEro Camp concept was created to help young girls banish gender stereotypes and boosting self confidence. Why can't a girl be a superhero? SHEro aims to break the stigma of mental health and well-being, as well as building new skills in industries that have a large gender gap such as STEM, graphic design and computer science.
I hand painted colourful expressive marks and bold typeface which I paired with photography to show personality, creativity and most importantly fun!
The poster campaign was then expanded into interactive snapchat filters and OOH posters in areas such as bus stops on school routes or inner cities. The child would take a 'selfie' at the bus stop using the screen with a filter overlay, this would then 'calculate' the possible dream career or passion they could have from attending the event e.g. become a coding genius.

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